2008年9月7日 星期日





http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=VmUX5BuV_1Q (2:20開始)

這首歌我太熟了!二十年來聽了不知道幾百幾千次了!(唱KTV也不知道唱壞多少次......)可是第一句一出來我還是被感動到了.........唉..........我比蓮兒年輕很多啦!!我真的不是她那年紀的人啊!!!而且昨天以前我也沒有 覺得她唱的有多吸引我啊!!為什麼今天會變成這樣子呢??

張信哲的高音唱這首歌,讓我覺得是「女生心裡的潮水」,反而蓮兒唱的讓我覺得是 男人心裡的潮水。蓮姐今天唱出來的東西,傳達給我的東西,比歌詞多很多。這首歌詞其實沒那麼深,可是蓮姐唱的滿深的,滿多風霜的,大概就是年紀吧~ 感覺是「冷眼旁觀」的在說自己以前的故事而不是熱情投入的唱自己現在的故事。唉.....我也老了。






自由的訂書針,自由的聽,自由的講 ........ 2008.09.01

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Sir Staple,

Have you been following the variety programs that Meizhen, Yuming, and other Class 2 members have been appearing on?
I'm always glad when they have the opportunity to sing different songs depending upon the occasion.

It was great to hear Pets sing to her heart's content on the 9/28 episode of Money Money 麥克瘋.
And of course, she is as cute and amusing as always. The lovable thing about Pets is that she is so naturally foolish without any pretense. Just watch her numerous genuine facial expressions ...

Ah ... Meizhen sang 愛了就知道 on the 8/29 episode of 康熙來了. Finally, we get the chance to hear her longer rendition of 愛了就知道 on television. To be honest, I've been waiting for this since she sang the song during Chapter 1 of Season 2. Sir Staple, I quote your words "星二時候那種「三十秒就夠嚇死人」的震撼人心的聲音". In comparison, it can certainly be concluded that Meizhen has definitely improved quite a bit; her lower range is considerably more stable, her enunciation is clearer, her overall grasp of the song dynamics is more mature. How wonderful it is to see these contestants make the effort to improve and better themselves! Isn't it interesting how both judges picked Yuming while Cai Kangyong, Xiao S, and the majority of the other guests chose Meizhen? I do think that this has some significant implications about why Universal made the strategic decision to have the two of them debut as a duo.

Boy, was I awestruck by Meizhen's
rendition of 月琴 on the 9/4 episode of Money Money 麥克瘋!
Who would have thought that Meizhen could successfully interpret such a lyrical classic song? After all, 月琴 isn't the type of song that one would classify in her signature repetoire. Well, she sure stunned me with that performance! Simply spectacular! I want to listen to her sing the whole song!