2008年9月1日 星期一





http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=inDL0Cx574w (0:20 開始)

有希望就不會絕望,最好看得就是看不到的。這四位都是參加過星光 PK 賽的強者,有沒有像梁文音或者林芯儀這麼強?我不知道,不過我真的很看好這四位其中之一可以拿到星光四的第二名,真的,這不是說笑也不是啥「星光邏輯」,而是很冷靜的分析的結果。

聽歌吧!這四個人都唱的比 PK 的時候要穩定,不過也都有點「只出左手隨便唱唱」的感覺,就是這種「留一手」的感覺特別讓人心癢!很想要立刻看到他們全力唱歌的表現。






自由的訂書針,自由的聽,自由的講 ........ 2008.08.24

4 則留言:

匿名 提到...

To be honest, I was quite surprised to learn their actual ages; I found myself doubting the numbers that appeared onscreen next to their names. 張心傑 is ONLY
20 years old? 林鴻鳴 is ONLY 26 years old? It looks as if he'll be relegated to the role of being the resident comic relief ... It appears that 張涵雅 has recovered from the nasty blow that the judges dealt her self-confidence during her Season PK bout against Judy Chou. Hopefully, the time she has spent in the recovery process has duly prepared her for the emotional and mental stress that lies in the long path ahead. I'm worried that she'll be affected by the "Shadow Syndrome" ... since it seems that she has a tendency to select A-Mei or similar songs ... Is 梁一貞 set to become the Season 4 Sweetheart? I daresay that her singing prowess and poise are at least a notch or two above that of her sweetheart predecessors from the previous 3 seasons. And she is indeed very nice to look at.

Have you seen the 8/7 episode of
超級大頭目? 張心傑, 林鴻鳴, 梁一貞 appeared along with Zeng Jingwen.
It was quite amusing to watch.

I'm holding out hope for some previously unheard of voices that manage to leave memorable impressions to appear in Season 4. By that, I mean contestants along the lines of Pets, Annie, Season 1's Peter Pan ... Simply pure and genuine voices that capture our hearts beginning with a few heartfelt performances.

Staple 提到...

張心傑我對他不熟哩~ 不過也許真的只有 20 吧?他是原住民,也許比較「早熟」啦~ :) 林鴻鳴 26 差不多吧~ 我還以為他只有 23/24 哩~

新聞裡張涵雅有說她拖了一年才參加星光是因為「想太多」,其實這樣也好,她要是參加星光二,恐怕會過的不太愉快吧!星一的 PKer 參加星二的,除了梁文音以外,林道遠和辛巴都被製作單位捨棄了,參加星三的 星二 PKer 陳玉蟬也中途放棄。也許張老師考慮這麼久是對的,畢竟在星三的教訓過後,製作單位應該會「實力為重」吧!



我不知道有多少素人還敢參賽哩!星二報名的時候,大家大概還覺得星光很好玩,參加星二以後卻慘的不得了,星三更是一團混亂,我以為有潛力的素人都「匍匐前進」躲起來了~ 哈哈!!

匿名 提到...


Staple 提到...

超級大頭目就是二班小葉當助理主持人的那個益智遊戲節目呀~ 每天晚上都有,妳管也有,我們說得那一集在這兒:

看完笑笑就好,別伸手跟我要評論啊!! ....... XD